Transcript of Cr Kev Poulton’s speech to Better Border Health Rally

Wodonga Mayor Cr Kev Poulton has kindly shared the transcript of the speech he would have presented at the Better Border Health rally on Sunday 13 November at Junction Square, Wodonga.

The method by which Albury Wodonga Health was created was a lesson then of localised determination, against State political resistance, and their views of what was ‘best’ for our communities.

Today we face the same scenario. Two metropolitan-based State Governments, making decisions, announcing ‘their’ plans and doing so without open, and transparent conversations with us.

Our local hospital boards then as now, walk a fine line. Always doing their best but under strict confidentiality agreements and also mindful of competition for other Hospital proposals in either State.

Any public tension our boards cause, jeopardises their private efforts on our behalf.

So public tension or dissatisfaction of the recent announcement must be decided and driven by us. We determine what to accept and anything less than what is appropriate, is not acceptable.

Albury Wodonga Health came to existence because of advocacy for our needs and expectations. These were articulated from the seven (7) regional councils and shires across our border, backed by local medical and hospital practitioners, business leaders and our community repeatedly saying, “things are not good enough here”.

State Health Ministers were chased and cornered. We co-operated by respecting that not all problems could be solved in Melbourne or Sydney but they could be locally.

We worked out what services were to be provided at either hospital; we resolved cross border staff scheduling and made sure our proposal would work.

In the end, our views taken locally, provided the initial success for the creation of Albury Wodonga Health.

Today, using that past approach, I would suggest we should reject the poor, recent proposal foisted upon us, as a political convenience of two State Governments, each in election mode.

We should not accept a financial contribution that appears to have been plucked out of thin air, with no detail, or costing.

We should begin now, by asking our hospital board, medical fraternity and a representation of community members be nominated to a time-framed and public select committee, to determine to our satisfaction the expected health solution the ever growing 200,000+ population of this region should expect.

A plan no doubt will emerge quickly that a greenfield location is best, with rationalisation of current hospital location services, once it is built.

It would provide a clear understanding to all of us, determined locally, what is required and expected within our regional area.

Then plans to build and resource a greenfield location, funds that support the continuing and rationalised hospitals would be determined and sought.

It’s simple. Do we drive this as a community? Or do we let it just happen like two weeks ago?

No-one is at fault as to why we are here today, it is a reality of politics, State and Commonwealth Treasuries.

But today it will be OUR FAULT in the years ahead, should we not resolve to:

1. Reject the recently announced hospital refit as inadequate,
2. Confirm “things are still not good enough here”.
3. Decide by cooperation with our Hospital Board, medical fraternity and with genuine community involvement, to determine what would satisfy us, show everyone that plan, and fight as hard as we can to see it happen.

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